We like to say that Ultra Grip makes painting the impossible, possible! Those super slick surfaces like melamine or thermafoil IKEA cabinets are no challenge for our Ultra Grip. Our high performing adhesion primer adheres easily and allows for our Fusion Mineral Paint to fuse right on top. Applying a smooth coat of Ultra Grip™ will create little tiny, (invisible to the naked eye), peaks and valleys in your smooth surface, so it creates a ‘key’ for the paint to adhere to.

Apply one very thin coat. Allow to dry for 12 hours before applying subsequent coats of Fusion™ colours. Clean up with water.
Because Ultra Grip is so strong, it can hold more texture, apply thin and sparingly with a very fine roller like our Staalmeester rollers. If you must use a brush, ensure it is a fine synthetic fibre and the coats are ultra thin. It dries very quickly so do not brush back and forth or you will create texture.

One bottle of 500ml Ultra Grip will cover approximately 75 sq ft so a little goes a very long way. Ultra grip is best applied with our applicator sponge, a roller or even a sponge to help apply a smooth even film of product. For best results allow to dry for 12 hours before applying subsequent coats of Fusion™ colours. Clean up easily with water.

- Ultra Grip is made with industrial strength acrylic resin and is super adhesive tough and hard wearing.
- This product is safe to use indoors
- Can be painted over 12 hrs after application
- Re-coat after 2 hours
- White while wet but dries to a crystal clear film
Ultra Grip makes super slick impossible to paint surfaces .. possible!
1) How many coats of Ultra Grip should you apply for best results?
2) And am I understanding, you wait 2 hrs to put on 2nd coat of Ultra Grip but you must wait 12 hours to
paint over it, is that correct?
3) Do you need to scuff sand before applying Ultra Grip?
Thank you so much for your time. I have yet to start anything and nervous I will do it wrong.
Hey, check out this guide to prep it will answer all those questions and more.