Painting Walls with Fusion Mineral Paint
Ever thought of changing it up, giving your space a fresh new look and feel? It’s super easy to do with a feature or statement wall! Just add Fresco texturizing powder to Fusion Mineral Paint. This deeply textured blue-toned wall brings all the feels. Remember 1 pint of Fusion Mineral Paint covers 75 sqft so just perfect for an accent wall.

This wall was painted with Fusion and Fresco for extra texture. Jennylyn made lots of updates to this room but this wall stole the show! Find out she did it – Read that post here.
Creating a feature wall with Fusion Mineral Paint
This wall was created with Midnight Blue and Fresco powder. Loree simply added Fresco powder to the paint and cross hatch with a large Staalmeester wall brush to get texture and dimension.

Step 1
Add the Fresco powder to your chosen Fusion Mineral Paint colour. It’s super easy, literally toss the powder into your paint and gently stir.

Step 2
Mix together for a minute or so being sure to leave lumps and clumps. Those will dry hard as a rock and give the textural element you desire.

Step 3
Use a large wall brush like our Staalmester wall brush and cross-hatch your brushstrokes for maximum texture and dimension. You could also stipple or even use a rag. If you want lots of texture leave those clumps, if you would like it slightly smoother, no problem just brush them flat. It really is so simple!

Voila! a beautiful feature wall in no time at all.

A big statement with a little paint
We often look around at our interiors and wish we could make a big change without the work of redecorating! Using Fusion to accent a feature wall is quick, simple, and packs a punch.

This Midnight Blue Fusion and Fresco wall is dark, moody, and completely on-trend! It looks super effective with the light Fusion-painted fabric fireside chairs (more to come on those soon ). We have used this process on lots of our staging walls, it’s a fun way to change things up quickly.

Take this wall, it was painted with Bayberry and some Fresco watered down and added to the paint to produce a flat matt, chalky sheen. This can be achieved by adding 2 tablespoons of Fresco to 1 tablespoon of water. Mix it until it is smooth and pour it into a pint of Fusion, and you have yourself dead Flat paint!

This pretty aged, faded wallpaper look is again our fabulous Fresco and some Fusion metallics. We made a blend of Fresco mixed with Champlain into a thick paste then used it through a pretty stencil, in a random fashion. When it was dry we highlighted the raised stencil with Fusions Vintage Gold metallic. How pretty is that!?
When you make Fresco into a thick paste it naturally cracks like old European fresco walls. The thicker you make it the thicker the cracks.
Two great ways to use Fresco
In this video Jennylyn shows you how to use Fresco with Fusion to create texture on a fireplace, she also shows you how to create a flat matt finish too!
European style
Last but not least this staging wall and armoire have both had the Fresco texturizing powder treatment. We multi-layered the Fresco staging wall with 3 colours of Fusion fresco mix. We have a video on Facebook that shows you how.
The armoire was a labour of love, from restore rubbish to European Chic!

Now that you have seen how easy it is to transform your walls, Do you think you’ll try it?
Let us know!
For even more inspiration from all things Fusion pop over to our Pinterest account and get lost in all the beauty.