Waxing doesn’t have to be painful! Using only the finest ingredients, our waxes are handmade using a 40-year-old recipe. Incredibly easy to use, virtually odourless and goes on soft as butter providing a beautiful satin durable finish. Let us tell you everything you need to know about Furniture Wax and when you should use it.

The wonderful thing about Fusion Mineral Paint is you don’t need wax for a top coat!
But we LOVE waxes for giving a little something extra to your piece!

Why would you use wax on your furniture?
This is an extra, optional step that is only recommended for aesthetics and feel. Not for added durability on a painted surface.

Super Smooth Finish
Adding wax can create an extra smooth buttery finish. Often people like to Wet Sand and then add wax on top. Fusion Mineral Paint is perfectly fine and smooth on its own, however, this extra added technique really changes the overall feel of the piece.
Increased Sheen
Fusion Mineral Paint is a beautiful matte finish, it is water-resistant and very durable. Sometimes when you have a darker colour, the matte finish can pick up some dirt residue, although this can easily be washed off, it may show marks. To prevent marks on darker colours, adding a thin layer of wax to increase the sheen will prevent any marks from occurring. Read more here

Add some extra character!
My favourite reason to use wax is because of the added aged effect that can be achieved. Our tinted waxes are the perfect way to add a little something special. Also, our liming wax is a great way to lighten up your piece for a beachy whitewashed look. Our ageing wax is a great way to give instant age to a piece.

When you have any areas that are detailed dark wax is the best way to show those details. Simply apply the wax in those areas, and wipe away the excess with a lint-free rag. The dark wax will remain in the crevices and the details really highlighting them beautifully.

When the wax is used on Bare Wood, it richens up the wood, increases the sheen, and adds protection. Have a cutting board? Use our Beeswax Finish for a food-safe finish. This wax is easy to apply and so very beautiful.

What Furniture Should I wax?
You don’t need to wax any furniture, again it is not going to add more durability per se on painted furniture, however on bare wood yes it can in addition to changing the look.

What surfaces should I avoid waxing?
Anything that comes into a lot of heat or water contact. The furniture wax won’t stand up well to those elements over time. Perfect example, kitchen cabinets would not be ideal. They get heat from cooking, and water from the sinks so this should be avoided.

Try on our newly scented with essential oils Lavender or Hills of Tuscany Waxes.
Our new infused Furniture Wax is absolutely stunning to work with! As this product contains only essential oils, the scents will diffuse quickly and are only intended to be apparent for the duration of waxing and will slowly fade away within a couple of days. These waxes will not fill the room with a strong aroma of either scent and will not yellow over time.
How do I know if I have wax on my piece of furniture?
Increased sheen could be an indicator, however, the best is a scratch test! Simply take your fingernail and scratch gently along the surface if you have collected debris that would be an indicator you have furniture wax on the surface. Just use mineral spirits and steel wire wool to remove.

Why is furniture wax always last?

Furniture Wax is essentially a resist, which means nothing likes adhering to it. This is great for protecting surfaces. Don’t worry about that tomato sauce falling onto your tabletop, it just wipes up nice and easily!
Furniture Wax creates really cool chipping and layering effects.
I love to use furniture wax creatively and paint over it. I know- shocking- didn’t I just say you can’t do this?! As long as you know the rules, you can break them! I do this when I’m looking for a very specific chipping look, or want the paint to distress easily or even crazing layered effect.

If doing this with Milk Paint, you will get the most perfect chippy effect.

And there you have it! A little about everything you need to know about Furniture Waxes! We told you it wasn’t painful!
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Soy primeriza pintando muebles me interesa saber si la pintura mineral es igual que la chalk paint y me gusta dar sombras con la cera
fusion es una pintura mineral de base acrílica y muy diferente a la pintura Chalk. Consulte las publicaciones de nuestro blog para obtener más información.