This beautiful Jacobean buffet upcycle with Hazelwood turned out better than we hoped! It was in great conditions to start with but it is always a thrill when a makeover turns out this beautiful. Just a few simple steps and anyone can upcycle with Fusion Mineral Paint.

Supply list you will need to upcycle your project
- TSP Alternative cleaner + Blue Shop Towels
- 220 grit Sanding sponge
- Fusion Mineral Paint “Hazelwood”
- Fusion 2 inch angled brush or good quality synthetic brush
- Fusion Beeswax Finish
- Natural bristle Staalmeester Wax Brush
Staalmeester Brush essential kit
Ever wonder what brushes you need for your painting projects? We’ve curated this incredible box set just for you! No more guessing what brushes you need, this box set has you covered! Every brush you need to paint like a pro.
Step 1:
Remove previous hardware to prepare the buffet for cleaning. Cleaning involved vacuuming any loose dust and using a 1:4 ratio of warm water to TSP Alternative in a Spray bottle. Just spray a light application of solution and let it sit on the piece before wiping it down. Fusion TSP Alternative removed any oils/grease from the buffet.

Step 2:
Use a 220 grit sanding sponge to scuff sand the entire piece and knock back the sheen. It will also help to smooth down any raised fibers from cleaning. After sanding wipe away the dust with the Fusion TSP Solution infused clean rag.

Step 3:
The Fusion 2 inch Angled Brush was used, but nay of our good quality synthetic Staalmeesters would work great to paint the buffet. We taped off any areas we did not want any paint on and applied two coats of Fusion Hazelwood to the piece. Hazelwood provides excellent coverage with two coats.

Step 4:
After allowing the piece to dry for 24 hours, we lightly distressed using the sanding sponge and applied Fusion Beeswax Finish with a Staalmeester natural bristle wax brush. Allow the wax to sit on the surface for 5-7 minutes before buffing with a lint free cloth for a soft satin sheen.

Step 5:
Installed old hardware that had been cleaned and buffed. This works great on older pieces and helps keep the vintage antique feel.

Jacobean buffet upcycle with Hazelwood
This colour looks fantastic on this piece we also have a great floor tile project painted with Hazelwood showing just how versatile this colour can be! See how this colour compares to our Soap Stone and Little Lamb.

A little distressing on this buffet has brought all the beautiful carving details and really made this sideboard a thing of beauty. We would love to see your projects painted in this pretty colour, tag us at @fusionmineralpaint over on Instagram and Facebook.