The best topcoats for lighter colours are our water-based non-yellowing Tough Coat in Matte or Gloss, or our Ultra Guard in Flat and Satin. Our formulation will not yellow your whites. Trying to decide if this top coat is right for you? This complete top coat guide can help you decide.

Perfect for those high traffic surfaces such as table tops. Our non-yellowing water-based wipe on sealer, is easily applied with a Staalmeester Roller or an Applicator Sponge and dries to a matte finish. 500ml covers about 75 sq.ft (7m2). We recommend your applicator sponge be slightly humid. No water should be evident. Clean up is easy with soap and warm water. Be sure to gently roll your Tough Coat™ in the container prior to using it as the matting agent and other ingredients may settle to the bottom. Do not shake vigorously as this will cause air bubbles in your piece that are difficult to remove once applied.
This clear non-yellowing water-based coating is quick drying. Apply very thin coats evenly from end to end to prevent streaks. Add extender to delay drying time if humidity is low.
SFO is recommended over dark colours as it won’t go cloudy, sometimes if the Tough Coat is applied too thick it may go cloudy. You can instead use our Ultra Guard on both light and dark colours.
Looking to create a piece with a high gloss finish that shines? Look no further, you can now achieve this look using our Gloss Tough Coat Wipe-On Poly from Fusion™.

Fun tip! You can also tint this top coat with our paint or metallics for a fun effect! Instant shimmer topcoat.
Good Day,
I used tough coat mixed with a little paint for the last layer over the bottom/base part of a table. If I would like to change the colour of it now would I just scuff sand and paint over it ?
Thanks in advance.
Clean and paint away! Fusion was designed to be layered! Just prep and paint.