Let’s talk easy custom doormat DIY for a second. You always spot them in stores and think to yourself “hot damn this is cute” and then walk on by. No more! With an IKEA doormat, and a stencil from Muddaritaville (they make a bunch for doormats), you can have the cheekiest front door on the block.

What you need to stencil a custom doormat with Milk Paint
You’ll need a doormat, We used IKEA TRAMPA, a stencil, we like the ones from Muddaritaville, a brush or sponge, our Staalmeester brushes would do the job, painters tape, to hold the stencil in place and Homestead House Milk Paint.

Choosing a stencil
Start by picking the doormat stencil and the size that corresponds. I bought the larger of the doormats, so we needed the bigger-sized stencil. We chose “the neighbours have better stuff,” because we thought it would be fun. Take a look at Muddaritaville designs there are so many to choose from.

How to stencil a doormat
Like with all stencils, you want to follow the instructions from the manufacturer and Muddaritaville recommends using stencil adhesive or tape to secure the stencil in place, but since this is a bristle doormat we just used painter’s tape.

Mixing Milk Paint
When it comes to milk paint, you’re mixing 1 part milk paint powder and 1 part water. To do this doormat with 2 coats of paint I did a batch with 2tbsp of powder. Instead of using a roller, We used a 1” bristle brush that we could better manoeuvre to contour the letters of the stencil and dab the paint in.

How to Stencil
For this project, we used Coal Black Homestead House Milk Paint, but any colour would work! To avoid bleeding from the paint, we used the brush to contour the outline of the letters before filling them in with bigger strokes and dabs.

When the first coat was complete, the rug was dry enough to start the second. We love when that happens! Easy and quick DIY. Once everything was dry, we removed the stencil and did any necessary touch-ups to the lettering, although it didn’t require many.

We really liked how cleanly the stencil came out, and it adds a little something personalized to your entryway. Add a little plant or pot of flowers and you have a whole new look.
DIY Stencilled Doormat

So let us know what you think about our easy custom doormat DIY, will you try it this summer? We would love to see them if you, join our community on Facebook and show us what you have painted recently.