Milk Paint is perfect for achieving authentic, natural- looking distressing. Layer colour over colour of Milk Paint, or simply apply over a water-based stain finish, or a coat of Chocolate Fusion Mineral PaintTM which will look like a dark wood stain when sanding through.
220 sanding grit is recommended. When pressed along the edges and any detailing, you will reveal the details!
Trust us: You CAN control the chippy! On a surface that has a sheen to it, the chipping will simply occur naturally. On a low sheen surface, you can force the chippy by first applying a resist like our Beeswax Finish or Furniture Wax onto the surface, then the Milk Paint you apply over it will chip off.
You will need to apply more wax to a bare wood or porous surface, than a previously finished/shiny surface. Test this first to see how much wax you need; too much and all the paint will flake off! Not to worry, you can always try again!